Fri, 12 April 10am-4pm
Sat, 13 April 10am-4pm
Sun, 14 April 10am-4pm
Thu, 18 April 10am-4pm
Fri, 19 April 10am-4pm
Sat, 20 April 10am-4pm
Sun, 21 April 10am-4pm

Gayle Mason
Drawing, Painting from Life
I enjoy Australian landscape and colours, exploring both, with Natural Markmaking. Using expressive marks that bring alive the essence or feel of what I see or experience.
Using natural mediums and colours found in nature, sticks and markmakers, some found and crudely formed or just out of a toolbox or pantry, or I make them.
I draw and paint from all the history within me, influences from my mentors and favourite artists, with a love of experimentation.
Over the last five years with a change in circumstance I found teaching. I enjoy passing on knowledge to artists wanting to try new techniques and who have the same willingness to explore expressive art and openness to have a great deal of fun in the process.
From my new studio/workshop/exhibition space at Bellevue Artspace I have many varied art classes, as well as leasing the space to other teachers to run their own class or workshop!
I have had two wonderful art mentors in my art life and now enjoy the same tradition of passing on my experience and encouraging artists to produce their best work, exhibit or enter art competitions.
I won the Melville Works on Paper in 2015 and have over 53 large pieces of art in ‘The Crown Towers’ Perth.